Thoughts from Martha, Adam, and Zach on what went on in the City of Brotherly Love. An appropriate spot for TTTing off the front of a race, no?
Martha’s race report is the best way to understand what went on:
Thoughts from Martha, Adam, and Zach on what went on in the City of Brotherly Love. An appropriate spot for TTTing off the front of a race, no?
Martha’s race report is the best way to understand what went on:
UPDATED: John Frey has posted updated season overall standings after the Philly weekend. MIT maintains its lead in the season, with UPenn closing quickly and UVM hanging around in 3rd.
From Zach Attack:
I would like to congratulate everyone there, but I would also like to make a special point to congratulate the best performances of the weekend (in my opinion):
* Zach Ybarra taking off solo in the Men’s D crit with just over a lap to go, and finishing in style, well ahead of the field.
* Martha who lived up to the “Super Fast” title printed on the front of her new sprint leader’s jersey in the crit. UPDATED TO ADD: Martha has taken the series lead from Anna McLoon, and now holds both the sprint leader’s and series leader’s jerseys (“Super Fast” + “Series Leader” = “Super Leader”).
* Glenn Ferreira in the TTT. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone dig quite that deep in a time trial.
* Yuri, who was too polite to sprint around Martha at the end of the crit.
* John Rhoden who refused to quit in the Men’s A crit.
With that, on to the race report… Continue reading